Chelmsford DF 10/09/2010

Start Gt. Bentley 19:30
Operator Roy G4JAC/P
Location East Mersea
Main Tx + Getaway Tx
1901KHz  1960KHz
access Yes Mersea is an Island and no I didn't check the tide table.  Just as well I had planned to visit my mother before setting up the station. Time to listen to 1 1/2 hours of CDs in the car and take a stroll to the front of the traffic queue to take this picture. 

My chosen hide was spotted through a small gap in bushes, behind was a ditch fortunately reasonably dry and a culvert under the road.  I managed to squeeze along the ditch to the culvert and clamber  up the other side of the ditch to a fence round the waterworks. Here I could sit reasonably comfortably.

Left is the entrance with the weeds pulled back in place.

Below   left -down into the ditch.

Below right - looking back from my perch on the other side.

Nice .......

The plan:
I had thoughts of threading an aerial under the road and along the opposite footpath but in the end decided to run it up the track to the power lines.  I hoped that the competitors would notice these and, having surveyed the local area, think it an unlikely spot and that that I was elsewhere under connected power lines.

Behind the post was a drive leading to a house and a large obscured parking area.  Would they let me hide my car there?  ............ Yes, perfect!

The main Tx was installed and programmed to do the business at 7:30pm.
Since I was under 10 Km from the start I reduced the power to 2 watts in the hope that competitors would think I could be at Tollesbury or even Maldon.  

With it being possible to park within 5 metres of the main Tx I decided the Mini should be located just under the 1 Km limit away along the path opposite, I didn't want complaints about lack of exercise!

Around 8:20 a car pulled up but then disappeared, had my power line distraction worked? Five minutes pass and then the tranquility is shattered.  Ian is thrashing about, complaining of being trapped by brambles while Larby offers instructions on what he should try next.  8:39 and Ian crawls in to inspect the culvert a few more tense seconds and he spots me above him. Well done Ian! Now Larby comes slithering in.  Apparently they couldn't hear me at the start, loads of QRM but OK from near the university at 7:50.

They disappear to find the Mini.  Two or three minutes pass and I see Gary approaching from the West section of the footpath. 8:47 and he is in.

9:04 and Richard appears having separated from Peter to get the Mini first.  While we a talking Philip rings to say he went to Tollesbury but was unable to hear me, had given up and opened the envelope; with an early start for a trip abroad the next day he is going to head for home.  Looks like the high level of QRM and probably a rather directional aerial has made things harder than I intended. Sorry Philip.

Anyway Peter is still smiling - here is an email from him:

On Friday I had a new experience, I was a passenger on a DF.  Richard Witney offered to drive me around. He was to get the “Getaway” TX, then Roy,  I was to do it the traditional method.

Richard mentioned about one of the highest tides of the year to flood the Strood Causeway cutting off Mersea Island that evening.

We set off on an approximate bearing from Gt. Bentley. We figured Roy may be in Brightlingsea (home) or Mersea. We decided a sailor would not risk Mersea as he would check tides !

To be safe, we took a bearing at the top of Clinghoe Hill Colchester to split the river Colne. The bearing went down the river! A decision was made to head to Mersea. A bearing halfway and one just on the Island gave a cross. We turned into the lane with Ian coming out saying he didn’t see Roy’s car. We pressed on, Ian followed, signals came on, Richard went North East and Ian and I hunted the immediate bushes finding Roy within a few minutes.

Off we ran towards the Mini which now came on continuously. Ian lost his headphones so I passed him, Richard came towards me and his torch help me to go blind. I ran to a corner of some bushes to slip down 4/5 feet.

When attempting to pull myself out there was this black bag ! Another minute passed until the “triffid” was found and a full 9 points was my reward, I passed one to Richard who ran off to find Roy.

By now Gary arrived and also  fell down the same hole. Ian was approaching through the bushes but needed to be no bigger than a fox. Gary took the next ticket with Ian alongside taking the next one.

The high tide was not due for 3 more hours so Roy was forgiven.

Back at the pub the maps were compared.  Gary had really gone for it, not stopping until 8:00 pm when he was South of Colchester. His bearings (shown left) were definitely the most accurate but unfortunately led him to leave his car at the beginning of the first path giving him an extra 500 metres to run.

A look at the year's result here will give you a clue why Peter is smiling.

Next and last Chelmsford event of the season is on Oct 1st.